Interactive AI Driven Role Playing Game

Immersiveness has always been a key element in game development, with the rising popularity, convenience and success of AI models (Language models in particular), it is only a matter of time before they are integrated into game development -whether it be in a small scale or as the entire premise-. Our plan is to integrate AI models into game development in a scale and concept we saw fit that serves to prove that such games are more immersive. We decided the most appropriate genre to demonstrate the effect of AI models on immersiveness would be role-playing games (RPGs), as dialogue is an important part of an RPG and an RPG is not restrictive with regards to its story, these 2 points are important to our plan as our plan is to create a game where the story is driven by an AI model to keep the story interesting for the player and where the companions of the player are AI models that communicate and interact with the player. We chose a 2D environment which presents an adequate medium without restricting it to a text-based process, which we thought would negatively impact immersiveness. This game is created by a group of 4 in C# using Unity

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Talon of the Silent Kingdom